Oil Pastels Collection

Roundish multicolored shapes artwork abstract image in red, white, orange, pink, black, blue, light blue and purple tones on yellow background with circles and concentric shapes, with leaves like and with curved and geometric forms and curls and bended lines on yellow background, with nuances.The
Roundish multicolored shapes artwork abstract image in red, white, orange, pink, black, blue, light blue and purple tones on yellow background with circles and concentric shapes, with leaves like and with curved and geometric forms and curls and bended lines on yellow background, with nuances.The
Roundish multicolored shapes artwork abstract image in red, white, orange, pink, black, blue, light blue and purple tones on yellow background with circles and concentric shapes, with leaves like and with curved and geometric forms and curls and bended lines on yellow background, with nuances.The

Collection of artworks realized with oil pastels and ink on cardboard, dominated by bright colors abstract images, dynamic and moving shapes, curved and geometric forms, bended lines, circles, concentric shapes and curls, with sometimes leaf and flower like shapes.

These artworks may have multiple interpretations  according to the viewer’s perspective and experience of life so that the viewer becomes himself/herself the artist.

  1. Roundish multicolored shapes on yellow Abstract
  2. Blue Green Tones Movement Abstract
  3. Abstract Leaf Shapes on Wavy Background
  4. Abstract Nature Creation
  5. Rising Mind Positive Thoughts Abstraction
  6. Multicolored Abstract Wavy Composition